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Shotokan Karate
At Dalke's Shotokan Karate Academy, we teach all aspects of authentic JKA style Shotokan Karate, which is different from many other karate styles. Shotokan Karate is the most widely taught and practiced Martial Art in the world and was featured in the 2020 Olympics.

Dalke’s Shotokan Karate Academy is a fourth generation school from the founder of Shotokan Karate. There are many versions of Shotokan karate but we teach JKA/Nishiyama/Dalke style Karate, which is a practical, effective and strong style of Karate for self-defense, tournaments and life developments.

Our Mission

Dalke’s Shotokan Karate Academy is dedicated to teaching traditional Shotokan Karate for the main purpose of self-defense, art, physical and character development all in a positive family environment.

Our Core Values

Faith, Family, Integrity, Hard Work, Encouragement, Perseverance, Manners, Self-Discipline, Honesty & Confidence

Our Dojo Kune

CHARACTER: to seek perfection of character + SINCERITY: to be sincere and honest + PERSEVERENCE: to show strong spirit + ETIQUETTE: to respect others + SELF CONTROL: to refrain from violent behavior

Classes at Grandville Community Education, 4052 Prairie Street SW

Beginner Class - Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00-7:00pm

This class is foundational, basic and very important. The Katas you learn are Taikyoku and Heian Shodan, plus basic sparing & self-defense.

Intermediate to Advanced Class - Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm

The Kata Level is Heian Shodan and up with advanced techniques, sparring and advanced self-defense. This class also covers applications.

Competition & Advanced Class - Fridays 6:00-8:00pm

This class is for students on our competition team and students who want to learn how to free spar and do self-defense at the highest level. The schedule for this class varies and mostly takes place during competition season, which runs from January to July.

Kobudo Bo Training - Tuesdays 7:00-7:30pm

Kobudo (Japanese weapons) training uses traditional tools for self-defense. In this class we're studying Bo techniques including katas, uchis (strikes) and ukes (blocks),

One Class per Week

For some students, training once per week is all your schedule allows. It will take longer to learn, longer to reach test readiness, and much longer to reach black belt. But the journey is yours.

Two Classes per Week

Training twice per week is recommended. The more often you train, the faster you learn and the more you save.

Three Classes per Week

If you can train three times per week, you will learn, build confidence and improve your fitness level faster. You also will test more often and work toward earning a black belt faster.

Dalke's Shotokan Karate students actively engage in karate competitions. Most competitions are opportunities to test your training against students at nearby Michigan karate schools, and some cross state lines.

Sensei Dalke is Director of the Michigan chapter of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) and Dalke's Shotokan Karate is an active member of the AAU.
It is strongly recommended that students join the AAU,
Women's Self-Defense

Women's Self-Defense

Sensei Dalke teaches women's self-defense classes through Grandville Community Education (GCE). Check the GCE schedule often for new classes.

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Register for Classes & Pay

Register for Classes & Pay

To register for classes and pay, go to the Grandville Community Education web site,

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Give Dalke's a Try!

Give Dalke's a Try!

If you're new to karate and would like to learn more, we would love to have you come in for an introduction and attend a few classes. Please call Sensei Dalke to make arrangements, (734) 216-6925.

  • 4052 Prairie St SW, Grandville, Michigan
  • Classes at Grandville Community Education

Christopher Dalke AAU National Karate Program Member,